Brisbane, Australia – March 18, 2015 – Perpetual Plastic is an innovative and sustainable way to effectively recycle plastic waste. The project successfully launched in Europe and now need help moving the program to Australia, the second highest waste producer in the world. They have turned to the Kickstarter community to help them complete the project. The goal is to raise $15,000 AUD by April 8th, 2015.
Million tons of plastic is thrown away each year. Only 10 percent of this is recycled. The rest is thrown in landfills that end up in waterways and oceans. A portion is incinerated. However, the incinerators and smoke from the waste causes air pollution that harms the earth. The growing concern to find a more eco-friendly solution to combat the overwhelming plastic waste on earth can be found at Perpetual Plastic.
The way it works? They bring the unique prototype installation to various events to collect the plastic cups and other plastic items. In the first station, all the material collected is cleaned. In Station two, the plastic is shredded and filtered into smaller pieces. The smaller pieces are heated, extruded into tiny pieces, and then spooled into a thin wire. Lastly, in the fourth station, the thin wire is used as a filament for a 3D printer that can create new products such as rings, cellphone cases, surfboard fins, and other lasting valuable items.
This incredible equipment bypasses current waste management systems and develops one where everyone benefits. By transforming plastic into something people can use, it creates an incentive for individuals to recycle.
Now it is time to move the project to Australia, where we would love to set up a community 3D printing up as well. Total cost is $30,000 to build a new installation, which Perpetual Plastic is committed to covering half. They need help raising the rest. To support this sustainable technology and bring it over to Australia, please visit the Kickstarter campaign or click here.
Backers can choose from many exclusive rewards as a “thank you” for the contribution. Remember, donations of any amount counts! This is an “all-or-nothing” deal, so if they don’t reach the campaign goal then it can be years before the project can move forward.
Please share this on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks to help Perpetual Plastic’s expand to their waste management system to Australia. Little by little, the world’s precious resources can be preserved.
Media Contact
Company Name: Perpetual Plastic
Contact Person: Julia Brown
Phone: 0407004770
Country: Australia