Taiwanese company Peter Pan Generation is planning to launch a crowdfunding campaign for their new DIY IoT Smart Home Product. This system makes it easy to control your home security using the internet and IoT technology to keep all your devices connected. The free smartphone app gives users control and peace of mind.
“IoT is going to dominate the technology world. People are gradually over those traditional complicated installation structures. Therefore, for not be beaten by this great IoT trend, we simplified our product into one Plug & Play system which can be easily understood by a large age range,” says Peter Pan Generation, “It combines a WiFi Router, DECT phone (include PSTN & VoIP), Video Door Bell, Alarm and basic Telecare with super modern design. With the free APP, people can truly control by smart phone.”
Peter Pan Generation’s new Smart Home Product has a wide range of features that help users monitor their home. It consists of a home gateway, wireless phone with an alarm system, video door bell, wireless voice pager, and door sensor. If someone comes to the house the user can speak to them using the home gateway, phone, or pager – even if they are not home. This system can easily connect family members in case of an emergency and alerts the user via smartphone if there is a break-in.
“To help save power, we use the DECT ULE to extend the battery life,” explains the team, “in the future, the team will join an alliance to let customers add extra accessories without limitation. Plus, the system can not only protect our homes but also become one of our home decorations by its strong and impressive design.”
Members of the Peter Pan Generation are very professional and efficient at what they do. Now that they have done some work in research and development this team planning to take their product to a crowdfunding platform to get the support they need to manufacture their smart home system. Their plan is to offer their Smart Home Kit at an early bird price of $199.
Give them a try and let Peter Pan Generation become a part of everyone’s life!
For more information or to keep track of this crowdfunding campaign check out the Peter Pan Generation website here or the contact information below.
Distributed by CrowdfundingPR
Media Contact
Company Name: Peter Pan Generation
Contact Person: Smart Home Product
Email: service@peterpangeneration.com.tw
Country: Taiwan
Website: http://www.peterpangeneration.com.tw